Breast reduction is a surgical procedure that removes extra skin, fat and breast tissue to contour the breast to a more manageable size for the patient’s body. The goal of surgery is to provide an ideal proportion between the breasts and the patient’s frame. To achieve this, surgeons reposition the nipple, remove the excess connective & supporting tissue, and tailor the skin to fit the new shape.

Breast reduction before and after

Women will often seek boob reduction surgery to relieve back, neck & shoulder pain, avoid unwanted attention, avoid rashes under breast and increase their self-confidence. Multiple studies have confirmed breast reduction surgery significantly improves patient’s self-esteem and quality of life.

Dr. Imran Riaz, FCPS (Plastic Surgery) removes the skin and fat tissue from the lower portion of the breasts to reduce their size. The breast’s upper part is lifted and will remain in place to preserve the breasts’ full, perky appearance and maintain the effect of cleavage

Through his practices in Dr Imran’s Cosmetic Surgi Center, Dr. Imran Riaz has helped a large no. of women look and feel their best through his technical and artistic skills.

Why Breast Reduction

Women of all ages have looked for a solution to their frustratingly prominent larger breasts. The benefits of a breast reduction include but are not limited to:

  • Better fitting clothing
  • Relief from back pain
  • Improved comfort during physical activity
  • Restored confidence in your appearance
  • No rashes under the breast

Who need breast Reduction surgery?

Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery are women who are at a stable weight, in overall good health, and free of pre-existing conditions that could interfere with their body’s ability to heal after surgery.

To qualify for breast reduction, your breasts must have finished developing. If you are breastfeeding or anticipate having more children, check with Dr. Imran Riaz about when it will be best to undergo surgery.

Whether you suffer from chronic pain or are just looking to balance your physique, a breast reduction may be the choice for you.


With the new procedures, the plastic surgeon now has a variety of different techniques that can be offered for reducing the breast. Strategically applying the concepts inherent in these procedures to the correct patient can provide outstanding results with few complications. You will be able to go over these various techniques and methods during your appointment with Dr. Imran Riaz.

During your consultation, Dr. Imran Riaz will examine you and discuss your goals and expectations for your breasts. Dr. Imran Riaz will also take photos for your treatment plan.

Any cosmetic decision is exciting but should be made with confidence; to enable you to make informed decisions, we make sure every patient has access to as much information as possible before they undergo their breast reduction. Dr. Imran Riaz will be happy to answer any questions you may have about breast reduction surgery during the consultation.

The procedure

Breast reduction surgery usually lasts between 3-5 hours. You will be under general anesthesia. In most cases, you’ll be able to leave the hospital and return home the day of surgery.

During the procedure, Dr. Imran Riaz will remove:

  • Excess skin
  • Excess glandular tissue
  • Fat

Afterward, Dr. Imran Riaz repositions the nipple and areola higher up on the breast. If desired, surgeon may also reduce the size of the nipple.


All patients receive personalized recovery instructions to help them enjoy the shortest, most comfortable recovery possible after surgery.

Healing times can vary slightly based on each patient’s healing profile. You will return to Dr.Imran’s Cosmetic Surgi Center over the weeks following your procedure for follow-up appointments to ensure an ideal recovery.

FAQS, Some common but frequently asked questions

  1. How much breast tissue need to remove to get rid of back pain

Often, the best size for women seeking breast reduction surgery is a full C or a D cup.

2. Is breast reduction safe?

Breast reduction is a safe, popular, FDA-approved procedure designed to remove breast tissue and relieve the physical strain that larger breasts can put on the body. Side effects of the procedure can include bruising and swelling, but these will subside with time.

3. Is breast reduction surgery painful?

Anesthesia will be administered during surgery, but you should anticipate feeling sore for two to three days following surgery. You will be prescribed pain medication, and Dr. Imran Riaz may advise placing ice packs over treated areas to help with pain and swelling. If pain lasts longer than a few days or becomes unbearable, contact your doctor immediately.

4. Will I have scar after breast reduction surgery?

Breast reduction can leave a scar on the breast from the nipple to under the fold of the breast. Dr. Imran will provide personalized instructions to care for your incisions as they heal and minimize any scarring. The procedure can reduce sensation in the nipples, though Dr. Imran takes care to avoid this. Breast reduction can also impact a woman’s

5. What is cost of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Cost of Breast Reduction Surgery varies from 250,000 to 350,000 PKR .